1. Hey- the Convention Center has free wifi! Thanks, Philly Convention Center!
2. I made my feelings on the lack of comics publishers known in the last post. There’s no Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, Boom!, IDW…no one. The biggest publishers here are Zenescope and Avatar.
3. There are a LOT of heavy people here. Wow. A bariatric surgeon could make a killing here. (Note- I’m also fat.)
4. Booth babes are back! At least one “artist” in Artist Alley has scantily clad women in an effort to hawk wares (I have no idea what for). And the Suicide Girls are here.
5. Big front-and-center booth? It’s for a phone.
6. LOTS of costumes here. All varied, too. Everyone’s getting into the game.
7. Lots of women here, too. Most varied crowd I’ve seen, and a lot of families, too.
8. Much bigger crowd than yesterday. Long lines for the advance sales, near-empty lines for one-day sales. Lots of anger over the wait for those in the advance lines crowd.
9. Wizard’s business strategy is now readily apparent. “Here’s some B-level sci-fi celebs from TV from 20 years ago. Here’s some wrestlers. Over there is an artist’s alley. We put some tables in the back. Have fun. Walk around. Eat some overpriced pizza. That’s all you’re getting. Now pay up.” But it’s working for them, at least today. You’ll get to see Stormtroopers and Jedi and nubile babes and t-shirts and action figures and wrestlers.
Will you get to see the best of what’s in comics now? No. Not even close. But a big portion of this crowd doesn’t seem to care. They’re happy as is.
Maybe Wizard’s smarter than we thought. We’ll see.
i love this blog ..ido..i am sad you didnt have a shot of me? i swear my silk spectre II was awesome. grrrr. however you need to stop hating on philly for a comic con ,philly is a hard town we hate everyone which nerds as yourself and I know outright.We cant even decide what steak sandwhich is best let alone costume.. and “hey why are you freaks in my parkinglot you better park by chinatown the asians dont care” ..its a rough city for so many reasons I a m not being simple when i say i live in a harsh enviroment and i enjoy the way comic con made e forget my real life. I a sorry to bring so much 2 the tbl. hearts for sabina