Without having even read it, I know the Kirby biography by Mark Evanier is awesome

Just opened my copy of the Kirby biography by Mark Evanierfrom Amazon today. It SMELLS like old comics. And that’s a good thing, a wonderful thing.

I’ll be able to say more about it after I’ve read it. But good God, the book smells like a pulpy old comics store. And that’s the feeling you should get when reading Kirby, isn’t it?

SPLAT! on Saturday, March 15

Thanks to the good people at Collected Editions, I will be attending SPLAT!, a graphic novel symposium in NYC this Saturday. This event is sponsored by the New York Center for Independent Publishing, and panelists include Understanding Comics‘s Scott McCloud, DMZ‘s Brian Wood, I Shall Destroy All the Civilized Planets‘s Paul Karasik, and many more luminaries in comics.

I’ll be reporting on the event both here and at Collected Editions.

Joe Quesada Day in Orange County, FL

Daredevil #1 cover by Quesada

Congratulations to Joe Quesada, Marvel’s Editor-In-Chief. The mayor of Orange County declared March 8, 2008, as Joe Quesada Day, recognizing his accomplishments in comics.

We can argue about the individual stories that Marvel’s put out over the years, but Quesada has been the most open high-ranking comics exec over the last decade. And I’ve found out first-hand that he’s a genuinely nice guy. Last year, when I was suffering with my hip problem, I commented about it on a Newsarama thread. I received a personal message from Quesada wishing me well. It was a bright spot during a lousy day.

Congratulations to a classy guy!

Kill Da Wabbit!

It’s the 50th anniversary of this great cartoon! Go catch it on YouTube. (Thanks to Fark.com for the reminder.)

Chris Benoit, 1967-2007

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