This is scary-brilliant. However, I suspect Brandy Clark would have talked to Bill Mantlo, not Roy Thomas. Still, brilliant.
Let’s have some fun, shall we?
Thanks to my friend Ray Lopez.
Your results:
You are Lex Luthor
A brilliant businessman on a quest for world domination and the self-proclaimed greatest criminal mind of our time!![]() |
Listen to Glenn Walker!
Glenn Walker, one of my best friends and the inspiration behind Comic Widows, has decided that the world needs more Glenn Walker. I fully agree with his analysis. Thus, Glenn’s lending his voice to the All Things! Fun podcast, located right around here.
Glenn’s an old-school comics fan. He’d rather read Roger Stern than Bendis. He’s got me addicted to DC Archives. He’s a fascinating guy to argue with. And, like me, he married a woman much better than he deserves. (I still have no idea why CL married me. I must have been cute that day.)
An Interview With Warren Ellis on Doktor Sleepless
If I had to make a list of exactly why I love comics, Warren Ellis would easily make the top ten. He’s written some of my favorite comics of the past ten years: Transmetropolitan, Planetary, the riotous NextWave, Ocean, Red, Reload, and too many other titles to count. Now, he’s jumping back into the longform comics pool with his new series from Avatar, Doktor Sleepless.
The first page of the script says, “Who’s afraid of a cartoon mad scientist?” John Reinhardt hasn’t slept in over a year. Does he take some Rozerem and star in commercials with Lincoln and beavers? Heck no! He straps on some goggles and takes us for a ride.
The comic is going to be accompanied by its own wiki. As Ellis wrote in a Bad Signal email, “It will have backmatter. Massive backmatter. DOKTOR SLEEPLESS will be shadowed by a wiki at and backmatter will move to and from the wiki. Sometimes it’ll be seen in print before it goes on the wiki, sometimes not. Once the book’s live, the wiki will be opened up for readers to add to it. You will see why.”
I asked Warren some questions about the project and its artist, Ivan Rodriguez.
You’re encouraging readers to participate in the wiki for this site. What sort of content are you hoping to get from readers?
Connecting up the dots. There’s a lot of information in DOKTOR SLEEPLESS, and it’s all interconnected and tangled together. Sorting out the disparate skeins and seeing how they might plug together will give many different angles on the work. It was people on the Lost wiki who pulled a screenshot from one episode and worked back to the realisation that people from the show’s metamaterial were actually on the island…
How did you determine Ivan Rodriguez was the right artist for this project? What does he bring to this project? You’ve talked about writing to an artist’s strengths; what aspects of this project play to his strengths?
He has a strong commercial, open texture to his work that’ll help make the book — which might otherwise have appeared somewhat odd and esoteric — more accessible to readers. I like the way he stages, I like the elegance of his figures. In his pages, everything seems hyper-real, if you like — too strange and graceful to be completely real. It’s an interesting effect, for a book like this.
What’s driving you to create this book? How would you compare/contrast this to, say, Transmetropolitan?
TRANSMET was about Truth in the modern world. DOKTOR SLEEPLESS is about Lies. TRANSMET was about a different kind of hero. DOKTOR SLEEPLESS is about a different kind of villain.
Doktor Sleepless will be coming out monthly in full color from Avatar in July. Each issue will be $3.99, with three covers available.
Thanks to Warren Ellis for his time.
Another sad comic
At Gail Simone’s board, one of the posters (Ed Contradictory- what an alias!) posted this, and my heart stopped.
I edited it to fit here.
And to answer your question…no, it’s not an authentic strip. Someone made it in Photoshop. But it still stopped me cold.
By the way, Gail Simone is one of my favorite people on the planet. Not only is she one of the best comics writers working today, but she also had the stones to call out one of comics biggest dirtbags, the world-famous Rick Olney. You can read the huge thread on her board, or simply read Tony Isabella’s letter to professionals about Olney. Olney owes anywhere between 40 and 100 thousand to freelance artists, but refuses to pay, handing out excuses and insults to those owed. Simone’s efforts led to a community of artists either hurt by Olney or just mad at his actions, and that community has raised money through eBay auctions to help those affected by Olney’s lies. The latest round of auctions includes art from Lea Hernandez, signed art from Isabella, and signed trades from Chuck Dixon and Greg Rucka. Check them out; there’s some nice items, and it’s going to a worthy cause.